Causative verb is a verb which is used when we want somebody else perform an action and the subject is not responsible for the action to occur.
Functions and formulas Causative Verbs
Its function is to want someone working on something for the subject.
[S + (HAVE-HAD) + AGENT + ACTION VERB (bare infinitive) + OBJECT]-Active Kaimat
Example Sentence:
I had my sister take that ball (active)
[S + (HAVE-HAD) + OBJECT + ACTION VERB (V-3)]-Passive Sentence
Example Sentence:
I had my car cleaned yesterday (passive) Causative verb is a verb which is used when we want somebody else perform an action and the subject is not responsible for the action to occur.
2. GET
Its function is similar to HAVE but with a different sentence structure.
[S + (GET-GOT) + AGENT + ACTION VERB (to infinitive)]-Active Sentence
Example Sentence:
She got her brother to buy her a basket ball.
[S + (GOT) + OBJECT + ACTION VERB (V-3)]-Passive Sentence
Example Sentence:
Cindy got her bedroom cleaned.
3. LET
This verb functioning to let someone do something.
[S + LET + AGENT + ACTION VERB (bare infinitive)]
Example Sentence:
My father lets me choose my own car.
This verb is functioning very convincing or forcing someone to do something.
[S + (MAKE-MADE + AGENT + ACTION VERB (bare infinitive)]
Example Sentence:
The manager makes her staff to work hard.