Selasa, 21 April 2015

Articel : Drugs

DRUG ABUSE has become a serious problem for the nation. These unlawful goodsindiscriminately undermining anyone. The legislator, judge, artist, pilot, student, labor,even housewives cannot escape from the bondage of drugs. Of the age, the drug alsonever choose their victims, ranging from children, even teenagers, adults up toseniors.

Indonesia is ' heaven ' circulation of drugs. How not, if traced from the ranks of drugcirculation in the world, our country was ranked as the third largest drug market in the world.

Then, if traced in more detail again into the realm of the provincial level, Aceh was ranked first as the provincial narcotics traffickers and users of marijuana. The placement of such rankings for Aceh seems fairly reasoned because in the porch of Mecca is frequently found marijuana fields.

Threatening the future of the fact as mentioned above are indeed worthy of being the reason for us to worry because it threatens the future of the young generation which is the holder and successor to relay in this nation. It says so because the impact posed by drugs is so tragic.

According to data cited from National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) Province of South Sulawesi, the impact of drug abuse include physical impacts, psychologicalsocial and economic. Physical impacts such as disorders of the nervous system (neorologis):convulsions, hallucinations, and disorders of consciousness. The psychological impactof its normal ability to think, not feel anxious. reliance always require medication.Socio-economic impact for example is always detrimental to society, whethereconomic, social, healthand law.

Impact-impact mentioned above, clearly apparent becomes the major threat to this nation, particularly Aceh. How the fate of this nation if the successor generation is thegeneration that minded individuals a generation drugs, physical disabilities, psychological, social and Economics? Of course, these generations are unable to build a nation that is also being ' sick '.

We mentioned earlier that the drugs indiscriminately, attacking anyone. Even so, thedrug generally padded target is young people aged 15-30 years. From that age range,the age of adolescence is a very vulnerable age exposed to the influence of drugs.

Mabes Polri according to data published in the book the Islamic PrespectiveResidency by M Cholil Nafis, from 2004 until March 2009 as recorded 98.614 cases (97% more) teen age children are drug users.

Easy it is the younger generation entangled drugs of course is caused by manyfactors, such as depression, family problems or work parents, neighbourhood, and the influence of peers. Especially among teenagers, they got hooked on drugs because the try factor, peers, bad neighborhood, parentsas well as the influence of the mediaof film and television.

Knowing the fact that among adolescents is an easy target, drug exposed, needpreventive actions carried out by the various parties, especially the family environment. Family environment, in this case the parents, is one place that is effective to keep out teens using drugs. This is because the parent is ' schools ' firstchild before entering into the community.

Give attention related to it, there are several ways parents can do to keep out theyouth to avoid drugs. First, give more attention to the child. The child is a figure thatis in need of attention of parents. He still doesn't know how to live life. He also still do not know which are good and which are not good. The task of the tualah leads themto the path of good. Parents also should not make the distance with her son. Theyshould create a harmonious relationship with his son and also between themselves, that is mom and dad.

In addition, they should also open a discussion space for sianak within the family environment. Parents must become a vent for their children. Ask the child about anyproblems they have experienced. Also ask them about their friends. Explain to themwhere it is good and not good. With regard to drugs, explain to them the dangers of drugs and the effect that this may cause. Facilitation of those with positive activities to develop their talent.

Second, give an example. This is the pointer points is important for the parents tobanish her from drugs. Parents, in addition to advising, will also need to provideexamples of exemplary. If a parent reminds her not to use the drugs, already oughtparents also give example to the child by not using drugs.

In addition, give an exemplary example is also good for them in terms of religion, for example, for fathers, a priest praying in congregation at home. Even better, againinvited the Congregation to pray together to the mosque, reading together at home.

This is important because, according to the results of the study, the number of drug use among adolescents is caused by parents, especially fathers, less exemplaryexample to his son. The father just thought that his only meets the needs of the child.Example problems are considered not to be the father's duty, but rather just the taskof the mother.

Instead, the child was not his because with sapa as the father went before sunrise andreturn after the child is deep asleep. No interlacing communication between child and father. There are no instances of the example of the father shown to his son. Rather than invite children to pray in Congregation in the mosque, along with a priestpraying at home also never. Really, too!

The example of the parents Example shown parents provided a paradigm for thechildren that their parents is a good figure, which is exemplary and replicable. It alsocan encourage them to form a ' posse ' between her and the drugs. Don't ever expectkids will hear advice parents if the parents do not give an example to her son.

In other words, if you want his son not to use drugs, certainly tualah the first give an example to their children not to use drugs. The bottom line is if a parent wants her child to behave well, certainly the first tualah to be shown how it should behave well.

Finally, it can be said that both of the above ways can be done by parents to banishher from drugs. When the child is outgoing, he has had a solid shield to protecthimself from the bondage of drugs. Let's save our younger generation from drugs.SAY NO TO DRUG!

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